Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Pieces of Others' Lives

Mariam was disgruntled.
She said to the Rabbi, "Why do I so often have to pick up the pieces of other people's lives?"
Jesus answered her, "How many times have I had to pick up yours?"

Let us never whine when we need to help another after they have made a disastrous decision.
They know it did not work out; we do not need to embroider the fact.
Let us help them start again with grace, courtesy and dignity.
Jesus never complains at having to answer our prayers and send help whenever we seek it.
As the Master leads, so the students should follow.

Stand for the Good

Mariam's heart was sad.
She asked the Rabbi, "Why do I get so hurt when I try to help people?"
Jesus answered, "Remember, the forces of evil dwell side by side with the forces of good. 
When good prevails, evil has to assault far harder than before to try to make the defences give way"

Let us always try to stand for the good in our world; never mind if it is difficult sometimes.
Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in the global community who suffer for their goodness.
May the Lord of All, the Lord Who sees All, comfort them in their affliction.

The Master Craftsman Designed the World

Mariam was eagerly reading the Bible.
She said to the Rabbi, "This Bible is unlocking so many secrets for me, Lord. But slowly."
Jesus answered, "The Master Craftsman designed the world to unlock its secrets slowly, and only to those who really wanted to know - scientists and adventurers among them.
Why should He not design the spiritual territory in the same way?"

Maliciously Causing Trouble

Someone was guilty of maliciously causing trouble.
The Rabbi remarked, "It is only her integrity which has suffered."

As advancing years mature the face, so integrity - or lack of it - marks the soul.

The Hidden Agenda

Someone had planned a hurtful experience for Mariam.
She ran to the Rabbi and asked Him, "Jesus, what do I do?"
He answered, "There is a hidden agenda here; to destroy you.
Say nothing, and keep on saying it."

When you stay silent and carefully observe until you have all the facts, you can then make a balanced and informed decision on the wisest way to deal with the problem.

I am Yahweh's guest

Mariam was at prayer, and read the words, 
"I am the guest of Yahweh."
She thought, "I am Yahweh's guest."
Rabbi Jesus answered her, "No. You are Yahweh's love."

Every person is individually loved by God.

Anxiety and the Rabbi

Mariam felt anxious.
The Rabbi told her, "I'll never let you down."

In times of trouble turn to Jesus.
He will always be there.

Mariam was fatigued

Mariam was fatigued.
She told the Rabbi, "Lord, I am so tired."
The Rabbi answered, "That will be remedied. But the good which you have done today will not pass away."

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Prospect of Failure

Mariam was anxious as she approached a challenge.She asked, "Lord, what if I fail?" The Rabbi answered; "Does it really matter? You are more important to me than any efforts you might achieve. You are more precious to me than water to a man in the desert."
 Every person is unique. Every person is cherished. Every person is individually loved by Jesus.
Photograph by Rev Catherine


Anxious about confrontation

Mariam was anxious about confrontation.
The Rabbi's mother gently said to her, 
"You are confronting yourself."
Mariam asked, "Is this why it's so painful?"
And gracious Maria answered, 
"Change is always painful.
Have faith in dark hours."

Hatred is a powerful force

Mariam was nonplussed at a colleague's powerful negative emotion directed against her.
The Rabbi told her; "Hatred is a powerful force.
It is incomprehensible to those who love.
Be thankful for that."

Photograph by Rev Catherine. For use copyright free for any worthy purpose

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Mariam was ashamed. She had hurt someone with a sharp rejoinder.
Mariam said shamefacedly to the Rabbi, "I am so ashamed, Lord. I hurt her."
The Rabbi gently answered, "I will give her grace."

Sometimes we hurt another. Let us pray for them.
And if something we have done has resulted in negative consequences for another, let us show our repentance by doing whatever we prudently can in order to alleviate those consequences.

Troubled Community

Mariam was praying for a troubled community.
She asked the Rabbi, "Lord, what about them?"
The Rabbi kindly answered, "I will pour oil on troubled waters."

Strong Reaction

Mariam was thinking about the strong reaction one person had shown that day.
She said sturdily to the Rabbi, "He's stubborn, Lord."
The Rabbi quietly answered, "He's scared."

Sometimes what we mistake for difficult behaviour may be due to fear or past hurt.

Sign of Hope

Mariam had just been through a time of suffering.
She wept to the Rabbi, "So much suffering, Lord; like a rush of rainwater, drowning me."
The Rabbi gently comforted her, "Remember, the rain washes off the dead branches of sin from your soul; but also waters the new seeds, freshens the pond, and leaves the rainbow in the sky - a sign of hope, that things will not always be like this."


Mariam told the Rabbi as she cleaned the house, "Lord, someone questioned the simplicity of my life."
The Rabbi answered, "Utter simplicity is always intriguing to the worldly mind. For the simple reason that the worldly mind is complicated."


Mariam awoke to the realisation of what the Rabbi had been trying to teach her at evening worship the previous day.
"I was born to be free."

Time for Prayer

Mariam was worried. She had been trying to spend more time in prayer, but so many commitments for others kept on getting in the way.
The Rabbi told her, "Don't worry - you are giving out the strength you have received in prayer."

The Greatest Treasure

Mariam was thinking of the richness and variety of life.
The Rabbi asked, "What makes your life so full of variety and excitement?"
Mariam answered, "The people in my life, Lord."
The Rabbi smiled. "Ah. The great mystery of the universe. You've finally learned it. The real treasure is each other."

Apply the cure

Mariam was coming to realise how helpful it is to have a trusted confidant to share your worries with.
She said to the Rabbi, "When frustrations become bottled up, they turn into depression."
The Rabbi calmly answered, "Apply the cure. Don't bottle up."

Advice on how to keep friendship

Mariam and the Rabbi were repairing a textile together.
Mariam was talking about her past experience of a rejected friendship.
The Rabbi asked her, "How would you feel if for a space of a few years I dropped you completely, and then came back at a moment's notice, wanting all your attention again?"
Mariam answered, "Not very charmed."
The Rabbi cheerfully told her, "Friendship needs working at."

Mariam was very thoughtful. Friendship was, she thought, much like stitching fabric.
Once damaged, it could be repaired again, but only after work and diligent repair by stitching.
Perhaps friendship, once damaged by hurt and unmeant neglect, could be repaired by continued reaching out and work at the friendship by the one who had initially damaged the relationship.

It's always worth a try.

Photograph of textile taken by Catherine Nicolette

Manufactured Furore

Mariam was annoyed. She was thinking in the evening of a whole furore which had begun earlier in the day because one person had repeated a remark made by another.
Mariam said to the Rabbi over a piece of bread and cheese, "Surely charity and common sense should have stopped the repetition of that remark, and we might have been spared the quarrel and had some peace."
The Rabbi answered, "In most cases, charity IS common sense."

*Photograph of Wall Art in Dublin taken by Catherine Nicolette. With thanks to the Wall Artist

Exhaustion and Depression

Mariam felt exhausted and depressed.
The Rabbi's Mother Maria gently advised her, "Return to the calm center of your soul."

Photograph taken of poster at Rally by Catherine Nicolette


Over the years Mariam had become a workaholic. She was continually busy, doing little things and fretting - she felt the need to be continually busy.
The Rabbi told her, "These are the external manifestations of a tormented spirit."

And indeed, years later, when an older and wiser Mariam reflected on the Master's Words, she came to realisation.
At that time she had been facing the necessity of making a difficult decision which would change her life path forever.
Becoming unnecessarily busy had unconsciously given her the outlet she needed at the time in order for her to pour forth the inner anxious energy she was experiencing.
The anxiety had been due to her putting off the decision.
Delaying necessary decisions today may lead to anxiety and insomnia tomorrow.

Mariam smiled.. How glad she was that she had eventually found the strength within herself to face the difficult decision.
The decision, once made, had brought her peace.

Feeling worried

Mariam was feeling worried.
The Rabbi told her, "You are anxious about being accountable, but really, you are only accountable to Me."

Who is really alive?

Mariam asked the Rabbi: "Master, who is really alive?"
The Rabbi answered; "Alive? The only truly alive are those who are not spiritually dead."

Monday, June 17, 2013

Care and courtesy

Mariam was preparing for her work of the day.
Rabbi Jesus said, "I want you to help all, especially the most undeserving."

Someone we may consider undeserving of our care and courtesy may be the very one who is hurting most within, and most in need of our help.

Feeling lonely and unloved

Mariam was feeling lonely and unloved.
She said to the Rabbi;
"How can you love me?
So many people I know have no time for me."
The Rabbi looked at her tenderly, His Face aglow.
He answered; "It is often those who are scorned as of no account
whom I cherish as the most precious."

Safety of family and friends

A loved one of Mariam had become gravely ill in her absence, and had nearly died.
Now he was on the way to recovery.
Mariam was overcome by grief that she was not at his side as she had been travelling on the Rabbi's business at the time.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "I kept my Hand on him."

Sick, we are never alone.
Worried, we are never alone.
Alone, we are never alone.
On the point of death, we have the companionship of the Rabbi.
And on the other side of this life, once we have passed over to our eternal life, we will be with Him forever.

So never fear.

No boundaries

Mariam pondered how it is possible to love many people, in different ways. 
The Rabbi said, "Love is no respecter of boundaries."

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rabbi Jesus and Carl Jung

Mariam leaned to speak to the person at her right.
However, she remained deep in thought while listening to her fellow guest.
She had just been talking at a meal to the Rabbi about relationships.
"When I meet someone like I met you," she had asked, "and I change through knowing you, your actions and your words - what happens?"
"It is as Carl Jung says"' the Rabbi answered gravely, 
"The meeting of two personalities can transform both."

Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette of wall art in Dublin. With thanks to the artist
See link

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Drake and the Beautiful World

Mariam looked through the window.
It was a beautiful day, and startlingly - just outside the window - was a drake with irridescent feathers, his back to her.
The bird was far from water, and the sun glinted on the neat patterns of the grey, pearl and white feathers of his wings.
The green-blue head and neck proudly turned from side to side, as the drake eyed all around him with interest.
Mariam was thrilled. 
She told the Rabbi, "What a beautiful world you have made, Lord.
Whenever we look out, we see ..."
Jesus answered, "A new wonder every day."

Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette, for use copyright free

Monday, April 22, 2013

Time of difficulty

Mariam was struggling through an extended time of difficulty.
The Rabbi said to her, "These things must be.
They will pass.
But the strength which you have gained through them will not pass."

Gleaning and the Rabbi

Mariam was reading of the gleaning process in Jeremiah Chapter 6 verse 9 in the Old Testament.
Rabbi Jesus said to her, 'Allow me to glean your soul of all its faults.'

The Great Prophet Jeremiah Chapter 6 verse 9
'This is what the LORD Almighty says:

"Let them glean the remnant of Israel
 as thoroughly as a vine; 
 pass your hand over the branches
    like one gathering grapes."


Mariam sat quietly in the church, feeling totally lost after a disappointment.
What was she to do?
The Rabbi said gently, 'Don't let it break you.'

Struggling not to bear a grudge

Mariam was hurt by treatment she received, and was struggling not to bear a grudge.
She asked the Rabbi;
"Lord, how do you manage to deal with people who treat you badly, and forgive them?" 
The Rabbi answered, 
"I remember those who were good to Me, and sift the others away through the fingers of kindness."

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Major life shakeup

Mariam was undergoing a major shakeup in her life.
The Rabbi told her, "Out of this terrible suffering, something new and beautiful will be born."

Years later, Mariam would look back to that time of difficulty.
She realised that the Rabbi had helped her find courage to go through that time, and reach the other side.
She had become more compassionate and understanding of others after her time of trial.

Out of her suffering, compassion, understanding and tolerance for others had been born.
Sometimes it is only through difficulty that our true character is forged.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do feelings matter?

Mariam was told, "Feelings don't matter."
The Rabbi considered that they really do matter. 
He said to Mariam, "Feelings are the indicators that something is happening."

And if we don't keep self awareness as to what is happening within ourselves, how will we be able to respond appropriately and with growing maturity to the society about us?

Our feelings, our emotions are an accurate barometer when something is going wrong - they can warn us that something either within or without ourselves needs to change in order for us to come back to inner harmony again.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Rabbi and The Great Prophet Isaiah

Mariam was reading the Book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "Just so did I sit and read the Scriptures."
Thereafter every time Mariam read the beautiful book, she felt the happiness of knowing she loved the ancient writings as the Rabbi did.

*With thanks to

At a sick person's bedside

Mariam had forgotten to pray at a sick person's bedside, and was distressed about it.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "Your presence was a prayer."

Sometimes just being there in support for another is enough.

Meeting old friends

Mariam met old friends.
She said, "After all these years, we picked up just exactly where we left off."
Rabbi Jesus observed, "The powerful marks of a true friendship."

The Blessed Sacrament

Mariam visited the Rabbi Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar; where the Blessed Bread breathes the message of Divinity having met and matched with humanity.
Jesus told her, "This sacrament is the sacrament of my love; it is also the sacrament of my sorrow."

God waits for us to spend time in prayer and grow in loving relationship with Him, in His sacrament on the altar.
Many a time He waits in vain for us to leave our busy lives and to turn to Him with love.
And He gets lonely.
The great God loves the friendship of humble humanity.

This is the unending mystery that enthralls angels, and infuriates the powers of darkness.
Humble love for His daughters and sons in humanity have brought the great God to dwell among us in His Incarnation.
The greatest powers could not conquer the Almighty Power of God;
the love of the tiniest human can conquer His loving heart in a moment.

Why not make a visit in loving friendship daily to God in your place of worship?
It is lovely for Him, and lovely for you.

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette, with thanks to the artist

Financial worries

Mariam was worrying about a financial problem.
Rabbi Jesus asked her, "How can you worry so over a few pennies when I love you so."
Financial worries pass. Love never does.


Mariam was anxious that her spontaneous warm greeting of a friend might be misunderstood.
The Rabbi asked her, "Why are you all so afraid of love?"

Upset after conflict

Mariam was upset with someone after conflict.
Mariam told the Rabbi, "I don't feel like praying for him."
Jesus told her, "He probably needs prayer most of all."

The real me

Rabbi Jesus said to Mariam;
"I have poured out my thoughts on you, and you have soaked them up like thirsty soil."
Mariam answered;
"I'm glad I spent the time praying, reading and studying Scripture and spiritual books, Lord.
It was truly a great help."
Jesus; ""Indeed it was.
It prepared the soil so that I could plant my seeds and water them.
Watch your soul grow.
Now will be a time of unprecedented growth - grasp onto it with eagerness and don't let go until the fruit of holiness appears."
Mariam; "Jesus, I'm no longer interested in anything else - only in spending time with you."
Jesus answered; "That's only natural.
You've met the real me."

A withering remark

Someone crushed Mariam with a withering remark.
Mariam was devastated. "Maybe what she says about me is true."
Rabbi Jesus; "Don't think about that evidence of spite."

Quiet time

Mariam; "How should I spend quiet time, Lord?"
Rabbi Jesus; "Go to the church and spend extra time with me in prayer.
I will always be waiting for you."

Do not be afraid

Mariam was anxious, and at prayer.
The answer she received was,
"Do not see me as a God of fear."

What about meditation?

Mariam; "What about meditation, Lord?"
Rabbi Jesus; "It's not the length of time that determines a good meditation;
it's the depth of it."