Monday, June 17, 2013

Care and courtesy

Mariam was preparing for her work of the day.
Rabbi Jesus said, "I want you to help all, especially the most undeserving."

Someone we may consider undeserving of our care and courtesy may be the very one who is hurting most within, and most in need of our help.

Feeling lonely and unloved

Mariam was feeling lonely and unloved.
She said to the Rabbi;
"How can you love me?
So many people I know have no time for me."
The Rabbi looked at her tenderly, His Face aglow.
He answered; "It is often those who are scorned as of no account
whom I cherish as the most precious."

Safety of family and friends

A loved one of Mariam had become gravely ill in her absence, and had nearly died.
Now he was on the way to recovery.
Mariam was overcome by grief that she was not at his side as she had been travelling on the Rabbi's business at the time.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "I kept my Hand on him."

Sick, we are never alone.
Worried, we are never alone.
Alone, we are never alone.
On the point of death, we have the companionship of the Rabbi.
And on the other side of this life, once we have passed over to our eternal life, we will be with Him forever.

So never fear.

No boundaries

Mariam pondered how it is possible to love many people, in different ways. 
The Rabbi said, "Love is no respecter of boundaries."

Friday, June 7, 2013

Rabbi Jesus and Carl Jung

Mariam leaned to speak to the person at her right.
However, she remained deep in thought while listening to her fellow guest.
She had just been talking at a meal to the Rabbi about relationships.
"When I meet someone like I met you," she had asked, "and I change through knowing you, your actions and your words - what happens?"
"It is as Carl Jung says"' the Rabbi answered gravely, 
"The meeting of two personalities can transform both."

Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette of wall art in Dublin. With thanks to the artist
See link