Mariam passed by a little locked up, deserted Chapel in a Monastery Cathedral. She looked at the Rabbi and said, "If I could just have that little Chapel, how I would make use of it and worship in it." The Rabbi smiled into her eyes, put His Arm around her shoulders as He hugged her and said, "You have given me the Chapel of your heart."
Mariam looked around at the congregation gathered before the Blessed Sacrament, the Consecrated Bread. Seniors were there, deaf, and some with terminal illness. The Rabbi said with a smile, 'I see the warriors, the faithful, and the loving.'
And then she understood. As the Creator saw a different reality when judging which man should be anointed King of Israel, and chose David - so He sees our exterior reality with discernment of our inner reality.
Some of the most apparently physical weak on our planet are the most spiritually strong. Let us shoot arrows of prayer straight into the Heart of God. He always hears!