Monday, March 13, 2017


Mariam struggled with fine and laborious sewing. She wished the work was completed.
The Rabbi said, "Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without effort."


Mariam found her responsibilities weighing heavily upon her.
She told the Rabbi, "Lord, this way of life you chose for me has much suffering."
He answered her, "Any way of life you chose would have had suffering."

No life of worth on this earth is free of difficulty. 


Someone tried to convert Mariam from her belief in the Rabbi.
Mariam told the Rabbi, "Lord, I am praying for him to see the light according to you, and he is praying that I will receive the light according to his belief."
The Rabbi, amused, said, "The stronger light will win."

Don't be perplexed if another tries to win you over to belief away from the Master. 
Nothing can take you away from the Way, the Truth and the Life if you don't wish it.


The Rabbi told Mariam, "There comes a point where who you are says more than what you say."

Preach by good example.


Mariam heard the maxim, "Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread."
The Rabbi told her, "And how did the wise become wise? By first rushing in. And then learning from the experience."

Experience is a steady teacher.


Mariam was tempted to give up her spiritual study as she felt she was getting nowhere.
The Rabbi encouragingly told her, "The one who keeps plodding is the one who wins."

The road to holiness is a long one. It is a very easy path to fall off, and a hard one to stay on. Yet the one who perseveres despite all is the one who will win through.


Mariam had the opportunity to climb the career ladder, and found herself disregarding the feelings of others while doing so.
The Rabbi told her, "Don't let your ambition ruin your character."

Don't let the quest for advancement in chosen career blind you to basic courtesies.


Mariam feared death. She said, "I am so scared of getting old, Lord."
The Rabbi answered, "Don't be afraid. I will be always with you."


Mariam spent three hours during the night speaking to the Rabbi. It passed as a moment.
She said to the Rabbi, "Lord, you take me up and sweep me along new channels of thought that I have never before suspected, as if you were raging water."
The Rabbi answered, "And am I not the River of living thought?"

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Mariam was faced with a dilemma. A decision had to be made, a choice between her friends and her career,
Mariam asked, "Rabbi, which is the most important?"
The Rabbi answered, "Power passes away; friendship always remains."

Relationships and friendships ruined in the pursuit of power and career have a price tag.
  When the excitement and achievement of early years is past, guilt over poor behaviour and loneliness may be result.


Mariam experienced a struggle with temptation. The Rabbi told her, "It's like the tree of good and evil. An experience seems very interesting if you haven't had it."

We have the rest of our lives to regret the outcome of bad decisions.
A moment of self-control can prevent a lifetime of sorrow.


In the past, Mariam had felt crushed 
by the opinion of others.
The Rabbi told her, "Your dignity does not depend on other people."