Sunday, June 30, 2019


Mariam was dismayed to witness an acquaintance being discourteously treated, despite the fact the acquaintance was often somewhat harsh towards others.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "Sometimes the only way to help them to grow is to allow them to be treated as they treat others."

It is often only when we feel the lash that fell on another's back that we realize the cross they carried.


An acquaintance of Mariam's espoused the use of violence in a Christian context.
Rabbi Jesus remarked, "The use of satan's methods in order to attain Christ's objectives."

The end does not justify the means. True Christianity means purity in motive, purity in action, culminating in purity of goal.

The sad reality is that in a broken world this may at times appear a difficulty. Let us turn to Christ for the grace to continue to pursue this peaceful goal.


Mariam was dealing with a troubled family.
Rabbi Jesus told her, "It is a house riven with hypocrisy."

From hypocrisy comes forth the bitter fruit of mistrust and disillusionment. The flowers of goodness, peace and joy flower only in an atmosphere which is rooted in sincerity and truth. Don't lie - others will be hurt, trust will be broken and relationships damaged. 


Mariam was anxious about her daily problems. The Rabbi told her, "Be assured that God fits the strength of the shoulder to the burden of the carried cross."