Sunday, August 30, 2020


As time went on, others became dependant on Mariam. Promises she had lightly made now began to weigh heavy upon her. 
The Rabbi said, "Silken threads that turn into ropes."

Small beginnings can lead to larger responsibilites. 
Think well before you make substantial commitments.


Mariam experienced rejection because of her ethnicity. She declined to reciprocate.
The Rabbi affirned her, "Refuse to hate another based on their God-given characteristics."

It behoves us not to despise the handiwork of God. Individual ethnicity equates personal beauty.


For some years, Mariam worked with a group that did not value her. Some time after they parted ways, Mariam reached out for assistance which was not forthcoming.
The Rabbi was not surprised. "They always failed you," He said.

Do not keep on hoping that the behaviour patterns of others will assuredly change in the face of goodwill. The behavioural track record of a person is there for a reason; to alert others to their possible responses in the face of difficulties. 

Instantaneous conversions of soul do occur; yet many conversions occur over years. Acceptance of repetition of behaviour patterns of others is not defeatism.
"It's called reality," said the Rabbi.


Someone held an unfound grudge against Mariam and refused her offer of an olive branch. This kept the controversy alive despite Mariam's innocence regarding the matter. 
The Rabbi told her, "They have to make the supposition a fact."

Sometimes others may hold on to emotions of rejection and disdain despite evidence that their grudge has no material basis. Having spread news of their grievance far and wide, it is as if they decline to accept objective reality and metaphorically rewrite the actual history in order to substantiate their rejection of the other.


An unruly community member. 
Mariam remarked, "He dislikes me deeply."
The Rabbi answered, "Because you are the voice of discipline."

In society, those who believe in self-discipline and order will always find themselves unwittingly pitted against those who do not.

Saturday, August 29, 2020


Mariam witnessed descendants of unjustly treated forebears now persecuting others.
The Rabbi told her, "The use of yesterday's injustice in order to perpetrate today's injustice."

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Ongoing cuts in staffing over years had left an industry exposed when crisis hit. The results of many decisions over an extended period of time had led to a vulnerable workforce in the face of exigency.
The Rabbi told Mariam, "You could see the faultlines yawning."

Discernment is the ability to judge well, and is a discipline best practised prior to unexpected difficulty. It is imprudent to make decisions which fail to allow for the unexpected. Otherwise the unexpected could become the disastrous. Discern the possibility of faultlines inherent within decisions - and avoid them.


An acquaintance rejected assistance and guidance, thereafter falling into the very difficulty others had warned him of.
Rabbi Jesus told Mariam, "He carved his own cross."

It is prudent to listen to concerned family and friends. Their offer of support and wisdom may roll many obstacles from our path.


An acquaintance had made a decision which eventually led to unhappy results.
The Rabbi told Mariam, "He made his decision. These are the consequences."

It behoves us to consider well and seek wise guidance before making a lasting decision. We - and often, others - will be called upon to carry the consequences thereof.


Mariam experienced insult and provocation.
Deeply hurt, she asked the Rabbi, "How should I react?"
He answered, "Remain calm and dignified. 
Live in a godly way in an ungodly situation."


Mariam was puzzled regarding the destruction of religious artworks.
The Rabbi explained,  "It's not about art, it's about agenda."