Sunday, January 1, 2023



Someone had spread a calumny about Mariam. The truth was at last coming out after many years.

Mariam had told the Rabbi, "I left the person to answer at the Last Judgement."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "God is meting out justice now already."

Only speak the truth. Falsehood will eventually be revealed.



Someone wrote a poison-pen letter about Mariam. 

Mariam said, "May God forgive them. . ."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "For they know what they do."

Deliberate malice is more blameworthy than unthinking sin.

Don't set out to destroy another's livelihood. You might just succeed, and destroy another's life. How would you live with the guilt?



Mariam experienced inner suffering.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "You are being hammered on the anvil of the Spirit."

God makes use of our personal trials to purify our inner selves.


Mariam observed acquaintances who attempted to live their lives vicariously through others.

Rabbi Jesus said, "They wish to heal their own hurts by sparing others their own hurts."

Sometimes it is a temptation to heal past pain by ensuring another we love is spared that particular pain. This may be done by undue influence of their life and career decisions in a way which is not our personal right. 

Each individual should have the freedom and right to choose their own path.



Mariam was heartbroken. Faced with hostility, she contrasted the lack of respect which she experienced from some acquaintances with the ineffable respect and gentleness the Rabbi always showed her.

The Rabbi said to her, "Look how wonderful you are."
Mariam replied, "Some people don't seem to think so."

Rabbi Jesus gently answered," But perhaps I see deeper than they do."

Let us always treat others with courtesy and respect. We may entertain angels without realization.


A companion of Mariam's insulted her without reason. Mariam felt hurt and bewildered.

Rabbi Jesus told her,  "I do not know why you do not just brush her opinion away like a gnat."

If we allow ourselves to brood over baseless slur, we accord the detractor undue sway.

Verbal insults go against a universal moral imperative not to inflict harm upon others, and they also pose a threat to one's reputation. [1]

[1] Struiksma et al. Do people get used to insulting language? Frontiers in Communication: Original Research article. 2022