Friday, January 5, 2024



May your words fly like leaves all over the world, bringing beauty and joy wherever they go

Mariam thought wistfully of great artists, who have such genius, whereas she had to struggle to produce a mediocre artistic effort.

Rabbi Jesus gently told her, "You have been gifted with words.  You will paint the world with them."

We all have different talents. Embrace your unique gift.



Mariam asked the Rabbi about His Mother, "Who is Mary?"

Rabbi Jesus answered, "She is la Serenissima."

The most Serene, most Sublime.



Mariam asked the Rabbi, "What did you come to teach us?"

Rabbi Jesus answered, "The mystery of true love."

Love may be misunderstood. The appearance of love may be commodified in certain instances. The authenticity of love in a relationship may be abused by betrayal, rejection, misunderstanding, deceit. Yet, despite mishaps in life, true love is perennial.

 True love encapsulates innocence and belief. True love is innocent in that it never seeks anything for self, but has pure affection and best will for the other. Belief is essential because - despite all the tragedies and problems our world faces - all will often come right in this world, and always in the next world. 

Love truly will conquer all - even if sometimes it seems to face an uphill struggle.




Mariam sensed that some of her acquaintances appeared uncomfortable in her presence. 

Rabbi Jesus told her, "People generally are uncomfortable about a prophet."

Perhaps Almighty God is using you to bring prophecy to a situation. When God sends a prophet, it is because people have not taken heed or cannot hear God's Voice concerning the matter.

Every individual is baptised priest, prophet and king, our threefold call to holiness. Do not be surprised if God makes the choice to deepen your commitment in service for His Kingdom.

With thanks to free clipart library



Mariam spoke with a friend who was emotionally distressed after being judged by another in the name of religion.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "It is frightening what misapplied religion can do."

Misapplied religion can warp attitudes, bring forth fruits of narrow-minded and hard-hearted attitudes, and may result in undue regimentation and disregard for others' feelings.

Let our spirituality and religious seeking be wholesome and supportive of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

Let none of us judge another. We do not always know the whole story. Only God can know, and He alone is the merciful Judge.  (Matthew 7: 1-5}