Saturday, February 15, 2025



Freepik - Lord Jesus communicates with disciple

Rabbi Jesus told Mariam, "Remember; I have as many ways of approaching hearts as there are people; no soul is the same. Respect Me - and follow Me."

The work of God in each soul is different. That is a blessing, not a problem.

In the same way, the work of parenting or mentoring for each individual is different. Each person is individual, unique, precious. Let us respect that fact. Let us respect each individual. Let us trust in God to inspire us and grant grace so we may undertake parenting and mentoring to the best of our ability.

Sometimes, though, as humans we just can't do it. Some days we may feel absolutely exhausted. We may be ill, or experiencing financial struggle. We may feel overburdened, or simply just be at the end of our tether. When we don't know what to do - well, just let go, and let God. Turn to Him in prayer and hand situations over to Him as Master of your household.

You'll be amazed how straight God can write on our sometimes crooked lines.

Image "Lord Jesus communicates with disciple" courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle



Freepik - Listen for the Voice of God

Mariam had not heard the Voice of Rabbi Jesus for a long time. She told the Master so.

Rabbi Jesus answered, "Well, have you been listening?'

Sometimes the whispers of God within the soul are drowned out by the demands of the world about us. 

It does not mean that God is not here, and is not speaking within our souls. 

It just means that either we are having a dark night of the soul, or we need to pay attention.

Let us pay attention.

Image 'Listen for the Voice of God'  courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle



                                   Freepik - Mother Mary and the disciples at Pentecost

Mariam was at prayer. Rabbi Jesus told her, "Love is leaping from you like a candleflame in a grotto. Let it set your world alight." 

Mariam asked the Saviour, "How?"

Rabbi Jesus answered, "By causing change in you. By making you bold and fearless in prayer; by making you confident in Me.

Be confident in Me; be confident in Me. You are never confident enough. But I have confidence for the two of us.

Be brave, and together we will change the world. Did I not promise you that, long ago? And you never understood. I really meant what I said. We will change the world - the whole world - together, my little one."

All who are called to follow Christ Jesus will personally change as they grow in grace, and meet the challenges of the discipleship road. 

Disciples will change others, because as followers grow more like Christ Jesus, they shine His Love and Truth for all to see. 

Disciples will change the world, because as each disciple strives to make the world a better place, the world does just that: become a better place.

Each of us is a drop in the ocean of the world. Together, we form the ocean. The ocean under the leadership of Christ Jesus changes the world for the better.

So never despair. Just keep on going. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. (Mother Julian of Norwich)

Image 'Mother Mary and the disciples at Pentecost' courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle


                                      Freepik - Christ Jesus communicates with disciple

Rabbi Jesus told Mariam, "Oh, that the rest of my creatures could learn this divine lesson of love; It is in giving, that you receive; in loving, that you love; in prayer, that you effect eternal life in the lives of those who were doomed to die, abandoned, crushed on the litter of life's highways - and bring them new hope

Be a star of light and prayer in my world, Mariam.

Be a star of light and prayer."

Image 'Christ Jesus communicates with disciple'  courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle



                                 Freepik -The well of prayer pours out healing over the world

Rabbi Jesus told Mariam, "Like a well that pours never ending streams of living water into the pail, pour your prayer over my thirsty world tonight, Mariam; and I will change it. You will never know the extent of good your prayers have done, the hearts you have changed. But I do. And I love you all the more for it."

Pray without ceasing. Our prayers make a difference. Let us have faith in that. Prayer changes hearts, prayer changes destinies, prayer chases out evil intent and opens the way for good. 

St Paul told us, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Image 'The well of prayer pours out healing over the world'  courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle



Freepik - Lord Jesus cherishes the little bird

Rabbi Jesus told Mariam,  "Follow Me. Be obedient; faithful; pure; and follow me. And I will never let you go wrong. I will protect you in My Hands much as those kiwi birds at the bottom of your field protect their little young; with such courage and tenacity. And remember that whatever happens - whatever you say, whatever you do - I will always love you. That is my promise for eternity."

The loving Lord Jesus will never let you down. Listen to His Word within Your Heart and the Scriptures. Be obedient to His Will for your life. Be faithful to His commands. Be pure by always trying to do the decent thing. 

Follow Him, no matter what the cost. Remain confident that when the waters of the world rise, and it seems as if the house of your soul would be dashed to pieces in flood of difficulties, Jesus will come to your aid.

The Saviour will cherish you much as tiny birds are cherished by their parents. 

Lord Jesus told us, "Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 

And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it." Matthew 7:24-27

Image 'Lord Jesus cherishes the little bird'   courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle



                                                Freepik - Lord Jesus speaks with disciple

Mariam remembered the first time she ever fell in love.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "It opened your heart to the endless possibilities of love. And it left you far less judgmental of others, because you began to realize how strong this emotion is.

Love is the most powerful force in the world. Love has to be harnessed and controlled before it can do good - much good.

Out of control, love may destroy the peace of mind of others."

Love is a great gift if used wisely and well. Love teaches many spiritual lessons which otherwise would go unlearned. Love teaches the individual self-sacrifice, humility, tolerance, patience, to think of the well-being of others as priority. 

Love for others which is not humble or placed under the control of self-will may lead to selfish hurt of others. 

The lesson of love is "the other first: myself next." 

If the person in love does not practice self-discipline and thinks "myself first, and other last", this may prove a recipe of hurt for others down the line.

St Paul taught us that "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Image 'Lord Jesus speaks with disciple'   courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle