Friday, September 20, 2024



An acquaintance spread calumny about Mariam. She chose to remain calm.

Mariam told the Master, "I don't need to fight . . ."

Rabbi Jesus answered her, "Because you've got a peaceful conscience."

Sometimes others make statements which are patently untrue. Just ignore them peacefully - you don't have to take part in every argument to which you are invited.

Choose your spiritual and emotional battles wisely and well. 

Go out to bat only when it is really needed. Leave the rest to God.

The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding well.

And sometimes the greatest action taken by God over years is to lead the perpetrator of injustice to realization, penitence and ultimate holiness.

Don't begrudge others their path to forgiveness and mercy. They have their own story, too.



Mariam heard of another who signed documents without fully understanding the document contents. This had disastrous results.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "It can take years to get out from under the boot of an injudicious signature."

Do not sign what you have not read or understood. Do not sign surety for others. Do not sign for loans which have very high interest rates. Save for what you need. Do not be shy to ask for help when appropriate. Reuse, recycle, be happy with preloved items. Do not waste money. Do not spend more than you earn. Do not begrudge others their good fortune. Be happy with your own lot in life - it is your personal road to sanctity.

Above all, be prudent.



Mariam repented past failures.

Rabbi Jesus told her gently, "I forgive. It is your failures that make you great. Because they make you humble."

We are all sinners. We have all failed. Let us not be judgemental of the weakness and failings of others, while neglecting to take our own sinful natures into consideration.

Don't obsess about past sins. Repent, be forgiven through the sacrament of reconciliation, and move on. Just don't repeat that particular failure again. You know better now.

Bow your head before God's mercy, compassion and forgiveness. Bow your head in mercy, compassion and forgiveness to others. 

And grow in meekness, inner silence and humility.

Image with thanks to Freepik AI generated content by CN Whittle

Wednesday, September 18, 2024



Mariam heard of lawlessness and much suffering in a society which denigrated God.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "They are picking the fruits of a society which lives far from God."

Stay close to the Almighty, so that the fruits of your family and community may be peace, joy, patience, humility, loyalty and holiness.



Mariam was witness to an interviewee who skirted the issue of the harsh realities of pregnancy termination procedure, and how there are women who lose their lives during the procedure. Sometimes not only the infants or infants die, but the poor mother too. 

Mariam said to the Master, "The interviewee neither answered the question directly, nor could defend the procedure."

Rabbi Jesus answered soberly, "They cannot defend the indefensible."



Come, follow Me

Mariam felt inadequate as a disciple. She told the Master regarding herself, "You have taken the weakest of the weak, the smallest of the small . . ."

Rabbi Jesus answered kindly, "And the most loving of the loved."

Love is the answer. If you have great love, God will be able to do great things through you. We may be small, yet the grace of God at work within us  has the power to inspire us to deeds which may prove mighty.

St Paul tells us the following:



Mariam had been in many dangerous situations during her preaching ministry. Looking back, she marvelled, "How is it I was never afraid?"

Rabbi Jesus answered her, "The Spirit of God walked with you."

Trust in God and you will never journey alone.

Image with thanks to Freepik AI generated content by CN Whittle