Saturday, February 15, 2025



                                   Freepik - Mother Mary and the disciples at Pentecost

Mariam was at prayer. Rabbi Jesus told her, "Love is leaping from you like a candleflame in a grotto. Let it set your world alight." 

Mariam asked the Saviour, "How?"

Rabbi Jesus answered, "By causing change in you. By making you bold and fearless in prayer; by making you confident in Me.

Be confident in Me; be confident in Me. You are never confident enough. But I have confidence for the two of us.

Be brave, and together we will change the world. Did I not promise you that, long ago? And you never understood. I really meant what I said. We will change the world - the whole world - together, my little one."

All who are called to follow Christ Jesus will personally change as they grow in grace, and meet the challenges of the discipleship road. 

Disciples will change others, because as followers grow more like Christ Jesus, they shine His Love and Truth for all to see. 

Disciples will change the world, because as each disciple strives to make the world a better place, the world does just that: become a better place.

Each of us is a drop in the ocean of the world. Together, we form the ocean. The ocean under the leadership of Christ Jesus changes the world for the better.

So never despair. Just keep on going. All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well. (Mother Julian of Norwich)

Image 'Mother Mary and the disciples at Pentecost' courtesy of Freepik AI generated content with CN Whittle

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