Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Pieces of Others' Lives

Mariam was disgruntled.
She said to the Rabbi, "Why do I so often have to pick up the pieces of other people's lives?"
Jesus answered her, "How many times have I had to pick up yours?"

Let us never whine when we need to help another after they have made a disastrous decision.
They know it did not work out; we do not need to embroider the fact.
Let us help them start again with grace, courtesy and dignity.
Jesus never complains at having to answer our prayers and send help whenever we seek it.
As the Master leads, so the students should follow.

Stand for the Good

Mariam's heart was sad.
She asked the Rabbi, "Why do I get so hurt when I try to help people?"
Jesus answered, "Remember, the forces of evil dwell side by side with the forces of good. 
When good prevails, evil has to assault far harder than before to try to make the defences give way"

Let us always try to stand for the good in our world; never mind if it is difficult sometimes.
Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in the global community who suffer for their goodness.
May the Lord of All, the Lord Who sees All, comfort them in their affliction.

The Master Craftsman Designed the World

Mariam was eagerly reading the Bible.
She said to the Rabbi, "This Bible is unlocking so many secrets for me, Lord. But slowly."
Jesus answered, "The Master Craftsman designed the world to unlock its secrets slowly, and only to those who really wanted to know - scientists and adventurers among them.
Why should He not design the spiritual territory in the same way?"

Maliciously Causing Trouble

Someone was guilty of maliciously causing trouble.
The Rabbi remarked, "It is only her integrity which has suffered."

As advancing years mature the face, so integrity - or lack of it - marks the soul.

The Hidden Agenda

Someone had planned a hurtful experience for Mariam.
She ran to the Rabbi and asked Him, "Jesus, what do I do?"
He answered, "There is a hidden agenda here; to destroy you.
Say nothing, and keep on saying it."

When you stay silent and carefully observe until you have all the facts, you can then make a balanced and informed decision on the wisest way to deal with the problem.

I am Yahweh's guest

Mariam was at prayer, and read the words, 
"I am the guest of Yahweh."
She thought, "I am Yahweh's guest."
Rabbi Jesus answered her, "No. You are Yahweh's love."

Every person is individually loved by God.

Anxiety and the Rabbi

Mariam felt anxious.
The Rabbi told her, "I'll never let you down."

In times of trouble turn to Jesus.
He will always be there.

Mariam was fatigued

Mariam was fatigued.
She told the Rabbi, "Lord, I am so tired."
The Rabbi answered, "That will be remedied. But the good which you have done today will not pass away."