Thursday, September 21, 2017


Mariam was concerned at societal progression which appeared to her to be a process leading somewhat to depersonalization.
The Rabbi told her, 'You can heap scorn on someone;
You can't make them a scornful object.'


Mariam asked the Rabbi about the nature of freedom.
The Rabbi answered her, 'You cannot enslave the truly free.'

Inner freedom of heart and soul can never be taken from us, despite our external circumstances.
The freedom within has been given to us by God.


Mariam spoke to the Rabbi about her calling as a healer.
The Rabbi told her,
'Help to heal people's lives, not just their wounds.'

Every time we intervene in the difficulties and alleviate pain of any nature in another, we bless their lives in their families and communities towards greater wholeness and healing.


Mariam and the Rabbi were at a meal together. 
Mariam had been wondering, and asked:
"Why is it important to pray through issues, Lord?'
The Rabbi answered her, "To help you cope with the uncopable, and explain the unexplainable."


Mariam was daunted as she faced a life decision. Should she take the easy way which would win her praise from her peers, or take the hard decision which - though true to her inner moral compass - would win her derision and harsh words?
The Rabbi told her, 
"The full living of life is not for the fainthearted. Be strong.'


Mariam was chatting to the Rabbi about old age.
She said, 'Every year my perception of what is old 
moves on a year.'