Friday, December 22, 2023



Mariam experienced disapproval from others when she laughed and enjoyed herself.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "I don't begrudge you a few moments of happiness. Why should they?"

Life was meant to be enjoyed. Yes, there are tears and difficulties. But oh, so much beauty in this world of ours.



Mariam tried to meet others' expectations. Eventually she was doing work proper to others, while neglecting her own duties. Feeling worn out, Mariam turned to the Master for guidance.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "I called you for My work, not theirs."

Sometimes the pots and pans of others should be done by themselves. It is good to assist those who through no fault of their own cannot help themselves. It is equally good to empower those well able to carry out personal tasks, not to shirk their work.



As followers of Christ, we are to practise moral strength and courage.

Monday, December 11, 2023



Mariam encountered judgemental attitude. She felt flustered, and told Rabbi Jesus, "When we judge someone else with negativity, we are saying that "I am . . ."

Rabbi Jesus answered calmly, ". . . a better class sinner than you."

Only Christ, the completely sinless, can lay claim to perfect purity.

Let us - as suffering heirs of the Fall of our ancestors from grace - not judge each other. We are all sinners. Let us all seek healing at the Hands of the Eternal Physician, Jesus Christ the Son of God. 

Jesus gently told the Pharisees and scribes that "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." (Luke 5:31-32)



Mariam read of an influential missionary who followed his calling after reading an evangelical flyer.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "Be careful to look, because God might be taking you up like a golden pen to write in the history of humankind."

The pen often opens the road to conversion.

Saturday, September 2, 2023



Two people sat next to each other in a conveyance. The first person was known for unsuitable lifestyle; the second was famous for exhibiting stoic faithfulness, loyalty and responsibility. The first person - born to lead - reneged the role. The second person quietly stepped into the breach.

Mariam looked at their faces; both reflected their inner personae.

Mariam remarked to the Rabbi, "Their faces show their characters ..."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "The first, dissolute; the second, resolute."

Inner life will eventually carve upon the face. What would you wish yours to show?

With thanks to free clipart



Mariam experienced individuals declining to take responsibility. She felt somewhat flummoxed, and asked the Rabbi, "What is happening here, Lord?"

Rabbi Jesus replied, "People behaving badly."

Don't be impatient. Sometimes it may take a lifetime to be able to accept responsibility for personal actions.

Turn to Christ. He can help with individual transformation.



Mariam pondered the true meaning of love.

She said to the Rabbi, "I love you means that I will love you and stand by you through the very worst of times."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "True love does not falter at the grim gates of reality."

Love is tested in good times and bad: through sickness and in times of health: in times of wealth and those of poverty.

True love never falters. It always finds a way.

Image with thanks to free clipart



Mariam witnessed a faux pas during pursuit of popularity.

Rabbi Jesus observed, "It is important when attempting to be avant-garde, not to be caught off-guard."

Be prudent. Popularity wanes. Truth and stability do not.



Mariam listened to people speaking despairingly of many years past.

Rabbi Jesus observed, "They obsess about the past, and thus cut off their future."

Leave the past in the past. Repent past sins, forgive past hurts, ask forgiveness for hurts caused. 

Learn from previous mistakes - life is a school of learning after all. Give thanks for grace-filled events. Mourn past loves and friendships, then realize - we will all meet again in Heaven around the Holy Table of the Lamb.

We need to ask forgiveness from God. We need to forgive others. But most of all, we need to forgive ourselves.

Then move on. Life is to be lived for all the days granted to us.

Perhaps you may find comfort in the Prayer Chapel of Repentance



Mariam was tempted to flee from a difficult ministry situation. She felt vulnerable, and told Mother Maria, "I am just a little girl. I'm only made of dust."

Rabbi Jesus' Mother told her, "You are also made of my Son."

We are made of dust, and house the Image and Likeness of Almighty God.

The Divine will strengthen our clay.



Mariam was daunted by a seemingly insurmountable task. Despite her concern, Mariam resolved to try to carry out her duty.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "When the going gets strong, the strong get going - and not in the opposite direction."

We can do all things in Him Who strengthens us.(Philippians 4:13)



Mariam  observed the difference in societal attitude towards those newly rich. She wryly told the Rabbi, "Money is a sweet perfume."

Rabbi Jesus soberly answered, "That of holiness is far greater."

Sunday, June 11, 2023



Mariam kept notes of the Master's sayings, and then lost the journal. She grieved over the lost words, and was chided by the Rabbi.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "I keep all your words locked in the book of My Heart."

Let us cherish all personal inspirations received from the gospels within the indelible books of our hearts.



Mariam felt despondent. She tried so hard, yet felt so insignificant in her role.

After working particularly hard, she felt depressed and told the Master, "No one sees."

Rabbi Jesus gently answered, "All of heaven sees."



Mariam was anxious about her fading looks. Rabbi Jesus gently told her, "You are so much more than your outward appearance."

Do not worry about mere externals. All are made in the Image and Likeness of Almighty God. What greater beauty can there be?



Mariam experienced change from high societal rank to a lower one. She felt distressed, and told the Master:

"I used to have importance, but now I'm nothing to anyone anymore."

Rabbi Jesus warmly replied, "You are always most important to me."

Societal prominence may be here today, and gone tomorrow. In the final analysis, rank means nothing - the Love of God means everything.


Mariam went out of her way to help someone, who later told untruths about her.

Rabbi Jesus mused, "An act of kindness that went sour."

Don't become embittered if an act of goodness is rewarded by injustice. Our reward will be great in heaven, as it already is on earth - the reward of a heart that is at peace.

Friday, March 17, 2023



Mariam pondered past situations. She reflected how differently she would handle them now.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "The difference between now and then is that now you would handle things quite differently precisely because you handled the situation like that back then, and saw - and lived through, and discerned - the consequences. This is called maturity."

Don't grieve over past experiences. Give them to God - ask pardon where pardon needs to be asked - and move on. Our experiences on earth are our training ground for Heaven.



Mariam was taken in by someone who pretended to need assistance and forthwith stole items.

A colleague was angry with Mariam, and exclaimed: "Do you not come under the requirement for accountability?"

Rabbi Jesus asked, "Does the other person not come under the common law of honesty?"

Be honest. Theft leads to heartache for others on many levels.



As a little girl, Mariam attended Holy Mass with her mother. She was lost in wonder at the miracle of the Sacrament.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "Everything in you reached out to the infinite."

God Himself is present in the Holy Eucharist.

Picture with thanks to the unknown artist public domain



Mariam was sad that she had deleted many accounts of words she had received from the Master in the past, in order to simplify her prayer journal.

Rabbi Jesus smiled, "But do you not distil many rose petals in order to extract a few precious drops of fragrance?"

God continually reaches out to each of us with messages for our lives. Let us trust that the Holy Spirit will assist us to remember His Words as we carry our cross towards sainthood.



Mariam wondered which books and lectures she could bring to teach students about spirituality.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "You are the most powerful testimony you can bring."

Authentic inner life and devoted witness are the hallmarks of a true teacher of religion.

Sunday, January 1, 2023



Someone had spread a calumny about Mariam. The truth was at last coming out after many years.

Mariam had told the Rabbi, "I left the person to answer at the Last Judgement."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "God is meting out justice now already."

Only speak the truth. Falsehood will eventually be revealed.



Someone wrote a poison-pen letter about Mariam. 

Mariam said, "May God forgive them. . ."

Rabbi Jesus answered, "For they know what they do."

Deliberate malice is more blameworthy than unthinking sin.

Don't set out to destroy another's livelihood. You might just succeed, and destroy another's life. How would you live with the guilt?



Mariam experienced inner suffering.

Rabbi Jesus told her, "You are being hammered on the anvil of the Spirit."

God makes use of our personal trials to purify our inner selves.


Mariam observed acquaintances who attempted to live their lives vicariously through others.

Rabbi Jesus said, "They wish to heal their own hurts by sparing others their own hurts."

Sometimes it is a temptation to heal past pain by ensuring another we love is spared that particular pain. This may be done by undue influence of their life and career decisions in a way which is not our personal right. 

Each individual should have the freedom and right to choose their own path.



Mariam was heartbroken. Faced with hostility, she contrasted the lack of respect which she experienced from some acquaintances with the ineffable respect and gentleness the Rabbi always showed her.

The Rabbi said to her, "Look how wonderful you are."
Mariam replied, "Some people don't seem to think so."

Rabbi Jesus gently answered," But perhaps I see deeper than they do."

Let us always treat others with courtesy and respect. We may entertain angels without realization.


A companion of Mariam's insulted her without reason. Mariam felt hurt and bewildered.

Rabbi Jesus told her,  "I do not know why you do not just brush her opinion away like a gnat."

If we allow ourselves to brood over baseless slur, we accord the detractor undue sway.

Verbal insults go against a universal moral imperative not to inflict harm upon others, and they also pose a threat to one's reputation. [1]

[1] Struiksma et al. Do people get used to insulting language? Frontiers in Communication: Original Research article. 2022