Saturday, May 10, 2014

Pitfalls in being a religious person - the Rabbi's perspective

Mariam asked the Rabbi, "What are some of the pitfalls in being a religious person, Lord?"
Rabbi Jesus answered promptly, "Over-religiosity, zeal without gentleness, being overly harsh with those under authority, or in care."

The beautiful horse and the Rabbi's message

Mariam had a dream where a beautiful and peaceful-looking horse injured her when she tried to pat him.
She was thoughtful as she spoke to the Rabbi the next morning. "There is a message here, Lord."
Rabbi Jesus said, "Not every thing which looks good has no evil in it."

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Gift of Life

Mariam was speaking to the Rabbi after she returned from a coffee morning with friends. During the morning, the conversation had turned towards a young woman who had learned she was pregnant. After hearing her news, the father of her baby offered marriage, and the wedding was to be the next week. One of Mariam's friends said cattily of the woman, 
"She caught him."
The Rabbi observed, "It is the one who gives the gift who does the catching."